
#Coworkers #Diversity&Inclusion #New-Work #Partners #Space #Team

  • Boosting Work-Life with Company Membership: Omar’s Story

    Boosting Work-Life with Company Membership: Omar’s Story

    Omar Hammouda, a valued coworker, shared his experience of using the company membership model at Tink Tank. He discussed his personal journey of transitioning from remote work to coworking. After working remotely for an extended period, Omar found himself missing the collaborative energy of an office. When a week of home repairs disrupted his usual…

  • Don’t be afraid of asking questions or taking notes

    Don’t be afraid of asking questions or taking notes

    Meet Tanja, our newest addition to our wonderful team as the Operations and Community Manager. Keep reading to explore her thoughts on coworking and find out what she would do with an extra hour in her day! Tink Tank: What do you like the most about Tink Tank? I like the team. I like the…

  • Neue Horizonte bei Tink Tank: Ann-Marie Falks inspirierende Reise

    Neue Horizonte bei Tink Tank: Ann-Marie Falks inspirierende Reise

    Lernen Sie Ann-Marie Falk kennen, den kreativen Kopf, der ihren Traum, Tierärztin zu werden, gegen die aufregende Welt des Kommunikationsdesigns und der Markenbildung eingetauscht hat. Bei Tink Tank hat sie nicht nur einen Arbeitsplatz gefunden, sondern auch viele neue Kontakte und spannende Projekte. Gleichzeitig genießt sie die schön gestalteten Räumlichkeiten. Tink Tank: Worum geht es…

  • Blending cultures & communications!!

    Blending cultures & communications!!

    Hi! I’m Duru, originally from Turkey, but I called Heidelberg home for nearly ten years before starting my Bachelors. Currently, I’m in my final year of my Bachelor’s degree in Digital Society at Maastricht University in the Netherlands. I’m thrilled to return to Heidelberg and excited to join the Tink Tank team as a working…

  • Meet our Kirschtasche!

    Meet our Kirschtasche!

    Yana recently joined the Tink Tank Team as a working student in Event Management and Operations. She is excited to create memorable events for our coworking community and to make the working days comfortable and enjoyable for everyone! Tink Tank: What was your first job and how old were you? I started waitressing when I…

  • Mathis’s Adventure at Tink Tank

    Mathis’s Adventure at Tink Tank

    Meet our newest member of the Tink Tank family, Mathis! Als Werkstudent bringt er frische Energie und Engagement in Sales und Business Development. Sein Interesse an Wachstum und seiner Liebe für freundliche Atmosphäre ist Mathis eine echte Bereicherung für unser Team. Er freut sich schon auf die neuen Herausforderungen und darauf alle Erfahrungen, die Tink…

  • My job demands that I employ both side of my brain

    My job demands that I employ both side of my brain

    We are glad to introduce our Partner, Mithun A. Sridharan, an accomplished entrepreneur, author, and public speaker. Mithun is the Founder of the Startup Grind Chapter in Rhein-Neckar, fostering an independent community of entrepreneurs and startups in the region. Get ready for an exciting announcement, as Tink Tank and Startup Grind are actively working on…

  • Always aim for the stars, never settle for less!

    Always aim for the stars, never settle for less!

    Meet Priscilla, our Sales and Community Manager at Campbell. With a passion for creativity, a warm spirit, and an affinity for fostering community, Priscilla brings a unique and vibrant energy to Tink Tank. Tink Tank: Can you tell us a bit about your professional background and the role you are playing in the team? I…

  • Der Teamhub für den persönlichen Austausch

    Der Teamhub für den persönlichen Austausch

    Im Gespräch mit KnowX Partner Karim Abou Alam Als im vergangenen Herbst der neue Tink Tank Space in Campbell eröffnete, war KnowX eine der ersten Companies, die dort ein Office buchten. Das erfolgreiche IT-Beratungsunternehmen suchte einen Arbeitsort, um als Team wieder häufiger zusammenzukommen. Daraus entwickelte sich ein regelrechter Teamhub, der die Unternehmensentwicklung enorm bereicherte. Wir…