Don’t be afraid of asking questions or taking notes

Meet Tanja, our newest addition to our wonderful team as the Operations and Community Manager. Keep reading to explore her thoughts on coworking and find out what she would do with an extra hour in her day!

Tink Tank: What do you like the most about Tink Tank?

I like the team. I like the location and I hope to like more things in the future.

Tink Tank: What are some of the biggest benefits of coworking for entrepreneurs and small business owners?

I believe, that having access and proximity to so many different industries and people can positively impact your business.

Tink Tank: What is the most valuable lesson you’ve learned in your professional life, and how has it influenced your career?

Organization is not optional it is a must and build on your authentic characteristics.

Tink Tank: What advice would you give to someone who is starting out in your industry?

Don’t be afraid of asking questions or taking notes. Instead insist on it.

Tink Tank: What do you like about Tink Tank

I like the location of Tink Tank. I like various types of people and industries that come through Tink Tank and the connections.

Tink Tank: Do you have a motto or life hack?

Do your thing. If it is coming from a place of kindness and authenticity – Do your thing.

Tink Tank: If you had an extra hour every day, what would you do with it?

I would sleep.

Tink Tank: Have you ever eaten exceptionally weird food? What was it?

No, but I am open to eating fried insects, frogs and alligator.

Tink Tank: Are there any movies you wish you could see again for the first time?

Gone Girl and Get Out. I love a thriller.

Tink Tank: What’s your favorite corner at Tink Tank and Why?

I am excited to work on the stairs on Campbell and anywhere near coffee.

Tink Tank: Finally, a very important question: if you were a loaf of bread, which one would you be and why?

A lovely airy sourdough bread for the ultimate avocado toast and French toast.

Follow Tanja’s LinkedIn


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