Sprinting while I learn to stop

Today I updated my LinkedIn profile to my new adventure after 15 years with the same company listed. With that a long-time dream has been kicked off as founder and CEO of my own company. And with that I am already in the middle of a process where I have no real clue on the exact next steps or where this will lead me.

Now, having been 15 years in the same company makes it almost impossible to describe what this has meant to me. The network of amazing colleagues and true friends, the feeling of belonging – my home-base, the trust and investment into me as a valuable employee and the experience base which I now hold in my hand as the biggest treasure. It has been an amazing ride, and although with ups & downs, great projects – not so great projects – amazing managers and teams, challenging times, and I carry it all in my heart as a warm light defining who I have grown into being.

It has taken me a long time to get the courage to change, because all the things listed above created this warm, comfy nest for me together with all the other things like benefits, steady income, prestige, training, bonuses, child-care and so on and so on. Being in a big company, change happened so many times via reorganizations, change of role and responsibilities self-chosen. The list is long of arguments why I so many times over the years continuously decided to stay. So what was different this time?

There is no easy and simple answer to this. It seems to be a long happening of things coming together in a perfect harmony at the perfect time at the perfect place. Like a higher force gently reminding and pushing me into this decision, and all I had to do was reaching out for the helping hand and jump! The change is therefore also not making me tremble, because I am used to change and uneasy times. The previous years have certainly taught me that nothing is more certain than uncertainty, so I have activated the same mindset than so many other times. It feels more like having this wild animal inside who has been locked up so long and now released into freedom, taking a pause to look around before sprinting away into the sunset.

The biggest challenge and new insights these last few weeks must be exactly that. Sprinting while learning to stop. Getting the most out of my newly-won freedom by taking time to do things I have not taken time for. Travelling, taking my motor-boat certificate, reading books and books, reactivating a daily rhythm of sports and exercise, spending spontaneous & precious time with my loved ones. Be.Patient! And on the other side sprinting as I learn. Embrace all opportunities coming my way. Say yes to all. Build new network. Meetings with banks, real estate, architects. Writing business cases, financial plan, pitch decks.

With the motto „You didnĀ“t come this far to only come this far“, this is my new path. my new adventure. So off I go – Sprinting as I learn how to stop!