Meet our eccentric founder, Lone Aggersbjerg, the visionary genius who turned a love for pajama Fridays and an addiction to coffee into the coolest coworking space you’ll ever encounter. Get ready to dive into the story of our extraordinary founder!

Tink Tank: Tell us a bit about your professional background and the role you are playing at Tink Tank?
I am the founder and CEO of both Tink Tank Spaces. My main role is to support the team where they need me as well as cover their backs and create as much freedom and Space for them to be creative and curious. The beauty about startups and smaller companies is that there are endless opportunities for each individual to try out new things, be creative and adventurous. I am a strong believer in giving space to my team but stay close by so if and when they need me or my advice, I can support.
I am also a strong networker, something I have not come easier about. I am actually an introvert with a strong desire of silence and being alone. My days in Tink Tank are very extrovert but with a strong team, I get to also simply do deep work and find a great balance between being with & around people, but still keep an eye on my personal need for silence and being focused.
Tink Tank: What sparked your interest to start Tink Tank?
I have many stories to tell about my journey to founding Tink Tank. In essence it is a mix between a strong desire to create an environment where people can be their authentic self. I believe creating neutral spaces where different individuals and companies come together, create in itself a safe-base to be your whole person. You can pick our spaces for whatever need you might have. It could be to get inspired by others, look for business partners, friendships, having a place where you get help in structuring your work day, get connections which are difficult to find in due time or within budget. We have coworkers who come only to connect and others who come to work focused and deep. It is really up to you, what you want to look for and how your Coworking day should look like.
Tink Tank: What do you hope to achieve while working with the team?
I have been dreaming about the kind of team which we have currently. We are a group of very strong individuals with different skills and aspirations, and I feel that we complement each other perfectly.
I love that we meet each other at the same level all the time, with a strong focus on the tasks which we want to drive forward and the ideas which we create together.
Each person connect with different team mates during a month, and I feel that not only brings a warmth and respect within the team but it also creates opportunities for each other to grow and get inspired on different levels.
A company is only as strong as its team, and I really feel the strong core of Tink Tank in the amazing team work which we accomplish every single day together. I am extremely proud.
Tink Tank: Do you have any favorite productivity tools or techniques that help you stay organized and efficient?
I have tried many many tools and methods in my 25+ career and I guess I am still searching. I try out different tools constantly and mix them up as I feel I need it mostly.
However, if you were to take a look at my desks, you will always find a lot of colourful stick-its. This is my preferred way of not forgetting things and for me to also create for myself a sense of accomplishment during a day when I get to throw away stick-its as my to-dos are being solved.
Tink Tank: How do you recharge and find inspiration when facing challenges or obstacles?
The forest is the only place where I can go when I am stressed and faced with challenges. During corona you would see me running around in the forest for hours to clear my head and to breath the air there.
Else in my small house at the beach in Denmark is my get-away and really one of the only places where I can get down in speed and recharge.
Tink Tank: Is there a particular mentor or role model who has had a significant impact on your career?
I am fortunate to have many amazing people in my life who I admire the outmost and who are at my side in all of my adventures. From each individual I collect different pieces for my own path, and that is the beauty of having nice, loving and genuine people at my side. To these counts my amazing husband, my two kids, my brother, my mother, my amazing group of friends and then everyone who I have come across at some time in my life and who have chosen to be open and honest in bringing inspiration and feedback into my life.
Tink Tank: Can you share a piece of advice or a lesson you’ve learned throughout your professional journey?
Always stay nice and then Teflon! Take on the Teflon suit sometimes and just let negativity and bad vibes fall off again. That always help. Mindset is everything, and only you can decide how you start your day and how you choose to go through your life.
Tink Tank: What’s the most adventurous thing you’ve ever done, or what’s on your adventure bucket list?
We used to do dessert- trips into the Libyian dessert with beduins. These were 3-4 day trips without shower, restrooms – just with a blanket, the stars and the amazing food made by the beduins. On these trips I learned that you need very little to feel 100% happy and content.
Tink Tank: If you were stranded on a deserted island, which three items would you want to have with you?
My husband, my daughter and my son
Tink Tank: What’s your favorite way to unwind after a long day?
A long jog in the forest
Tink Tank: If you could time travel, which era or period in history would you visit and why?
30 years back to remind myself to not give shit about how you look or what other people thinks about you. You are amazing as you are!
Tink Tank: What’s the most unexpected skill or talent you possess that isn’t related to your job?
I can roll my tongue.
Tink Tank: If you could invite any fictional character to join our team, who would it be and how would they contribute?
I would love to invite by longs-passed dad to our team to simply spend a day with my team and I.
Tink Tank: What’s your favorite corner at Tink Tank and why?
Asking me this would be the same as asking me which of my two kids is my favorite! NOT POSSIBLE. I have so many favorite corners both in Landfried and Campbell. I love my working spaces. In Landfried I love the kitchen area, and at the window in the OpenSpace. And then actually on the stairs outside of Landfried 😉
In Campbell, I love the community area at the entry, as well as the terrasse. With the great weather these days, this just makes it almost like having vacation.
Tink Tank: Are there any professional or personal goals you’re currently working towards?
Personally, I am trying to get myself more healthy and in a better shape. I do this currently with my son together as we have found out that we actually have a lot of fun together while working out.
Professionally, I have a lot of goals both for Tink Tank and other projects, however most importantly my goal is to strengthen and grow our Tink Tank community across our locations and through partnerships and external influencers, make cool events and get great people together to different kind of ideas.
Tink Tank: What do you enjoy doing outside of work? Any hobbies or activities that you’re passionate about?
Actually I am a passionate sport-freak. I trained weight-lifting many years and then ran one marathon (Hamburg) and about 6-7 half-marathons in Heidelberg. After a passionate “survival-run”, I injured my archilles and since them I am working hard on getting back. With the founding of two companies, family and kids and steering Tink Tank through the Corona-struggles, I feel I am at last at a point now where I can focus at bit on myself again.
So how about joining me at Multiness Gym a couple of times in the week?

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