Kategorie: Entrepreneurship
Community, Elefanten & was hat das mit Gründung zu tun?
Ich bin in einer Familie von Gründern groß geworden. Meine Eltern waren selbstständig im Einzelhandel, was für uns Kinder bedeutete, dass wir in den Ferien und nach der Schule im Geschäft mithalfen. Während meine Schulfreunde in den Sommerferien im Freibad waren, habe ich im Keller Schuhkartons ausgepackt und gestapelt.
Re-inventing. Re-thinking. Re-creating!
I loved it! Opening my coworking space for meetings, creative design thinking workshops and welcoming my first coworkers into the community. This was my dream coming true. I had selected and picked every single piece of furniture and I could finally pursue what had been in my mind for 2 1/2 years. This is February…
Sprinting while I learn to stop
Today I updated my LinkedIn profile to my new adventure after 15 years with the same company listed. With that a long-time dream has been kicked off as founder and CEO of my own company. And with that I am already in the middle of a process where I have no real clue on the…
When the mind turns silent
Somehow I am still struggling to put words to what exactly happened – in my mind, in my body and in the beautiful Buddhist monastery – from Friday to Sunday as I did a 3-days silence retreat. Because something did happen, which has had an immediate impact on me. Maybe it was the silence around…